
Yuri MiauchiYuri Miauchi

Artist. Born in Nagano Prefecture. Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design. After working in Okinawa and London, currently based in Yokohama.
She focuses on the sensations of the body, especially the cutaneous perceptiveness and the visceral sensations. Her introspection into the sensations of the body, which we all experience but cannot grasp or control, develops into the question of how we translate, inherit, or leave behind our perceptions. In the activity process, she combines gauze cloth, postcards, sound, soil, resin, and robotic arms in a multilayered manner.
Major exhibitions include “Water and Land Art Festival 2018” (Seigoro-lagoon, Niigata, Japan), “Koganecho Bazaar 2021” (Koganecho Area Management Center, Kanagawa, Japan), “Arts Challenge 2022” (Aichi Arts Center, Aichi, Japan), “VOCA Exhibition 2023” (The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan), “Scraped Script: Peeled Lingering and Dawning Healing Ripples” (gallery N, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan),”BUG Art Award Finalists” (BUG, Tokyo) 2024.

Solo Exhibitions

“Scraped Script:Empty water jug and the elliptical trajectory of the stars”, Gallery N Kanda-shataku, Tokyo/ 2024
“Scraped Script:Peeled Lingering and Dawning Healing Ripples”, Gallery N Kanda-shataku, Tokyo/ 2023
“Scar Script”, Gallery N, Aichi/ 2023
“Yuri Miauchi – Showcase Gallery 2020”, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino, Kanagawa/ 2020
“It’s My Red Life”, Courtney Pope 199, London/ 2017
“Seigoro-san, WHERE HAVE YOU GONE?”, Kenpo-ji Temple, Niigata/ 2017

Selected Group Exhibitions

“Group show by artists from Nagano City”, Nagano City Arts Center, Nagano / 2024
“BUG Art Award Finalists”, BUG, Tokyo / 2024
“Koganecho Bazaar 2024”, Hatsune wing B, Kanagawa / 2024
“Koganecho International Artist’s Network”, Koganecho Area Manegement Center, Kanagawa / 2023
“Four Artists in July”, Site-A gallery, Kanagawa/ 2023
“The Vision of Contemporary Art 2023”, The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo/ 2023
“ARTS CHALLENGE 2022”, Aichi Arts Center, Aichi/ 2022
“Koganecho Bazaar 2021 – Making Side by Side”, Matsui Building 1F, Kanagawa/ 2021
“Koganecho Bazaar 2020 – Artists and Communities”, Koganecho Area Management Center, Kanagawa/ 2020
“Crack in the middle of nowhere”, Eonju Round, Soul/ 2020
“gift”, gallery fu, Kanagawa/ 2020
“ROADSIDE PICNIC”, Site-A Gallery, Kanagawa/ 2020
“Koganecho Bazaar 2019 – New Menagerie”, Koganecho Hachibankan, Kanagawa/ 2019
“Between”, Site-A Gallery, Kanagawa/ 2019
“Water and Land Niigata Art Triennale 2018”, Seigoro Lagoon, Niigata/ 2018


Finalist / BUG Art Award 2023
Jury Prize / ARTS CHALLENGE 2022


Koganecho Artist in Residence, Yokohama / 2019 –


Wall Painting, Wakabacho WHARF, Yokohama / 2020
FRESH RECEPTIONIST JAPAN TOUR ’18, Niigata, Okinawa, Kyoto and Tokyo / 2018
FRESH RECEPTIONIST JAPAN TOUR ’16, Kyoto, Tokyo, Niigata and Okinawa / 2016
FRESH RECEPTIONIST with Yuri Miauchi, Shoreditch Church, London / 2015

Curatorial project

ARTIST TALK in Koganecho vol.1, 2, 3, YouTube Live / 2020
Web Exhibition ‘ROADSIDE PICNIC’, Koganecho AIR Website / 2020


Scar Script – Sound Score (Limited Edition 30) / 2023
Work Book / 2018
Discover Japan 2018 September (ASIN. B07FDTDRP3) / 2018



2024Scraped Script – からからの水壺から消える星の楕円(gallery N 神田社宅、東京)
2023Scraped Script – はがされた余韻や明ける癒紋(gallery N 神田社宅、東京)
2023Scar Script(gallery N、愛知)
2020Showcase Gallery 宮内由梨(横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野、神奈川)
2017It’s My Red Life(Courtney Pope 199、ロンドン)
2017清五郎さん – WHERE HAVE YOU GONE?(顕法寺、新潟)
2024第1回 BUG Art Award ファイナリスト展(BUG、東京)
2024黄金町バザール 2024(ハツネウィングB、神奈川)
2023Koganecho International Artist’s Network(竹内化成ビル6F、神奈川)
2023Four Artists in July(Site-A ギャラリー、神奈川)
2023VOCA展 2023(上野の森美術館、東京)
2022それは、たぶん、わたし。(azumagaoka articulation ※コレクション展、神奈川)
2022アーツ・チャレンジ 2022(愛知芸術文化センター、愛知)
2021黄金町バザール2021 -Making of Side by Side-(松井ビル1F、神奈川)
2020Crack in the middle of nowhere(Eonju Round、ソウル)
2020黄金町バザール2020 -Artist in Community-(Mini gallery B、神奈川)
2020ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2020(PLOT48 ※エレナ・ノックス作品企画 、神奈川)
2020gift(gallery fu、神奈川)
2019黄金町短期AIR 成果展 Between(ハツネウィングA、神奈川)
2023 ファイナリスト / BUG Art Award
2022 審査員 新藤淳 賞 / ARTS CHALLENGE 2022 / 名古屋
2019 –黄金町AIR長期プログラム / 横浜
2020YouTube Live ‘ARTIST TALK in Koganecho – vol.1,2,3’
2020Web Group Exhibition ‘ROADSIDE PICNIC’
2020若葉町ウォーフ壁画プロジェクト (横浜)
2018FRESH RECEPTIONIST JAPAN TOUR ’18 (新潟, 沖縄, 京都, 東京)
2016FRESH RECEPTIONIST JAPAN TOUR ’16 (新潟, 沖縄, 京都, 東京)
2016FRESH RECEPTIONIST with Yuri Miauchi( Shoreditch Church, ロンドン)
2023『Scar Script – Sound Score』 Limited Edition 50
2018『Work Book』
2023『VOCA展 2023 カタログ』上野の森術館(発行)
2022『ARTS CHALLENGE 2022 カタログ』国際芸術祭「あいち」組織委員会(発行)
2019『芸術祭と地域づくり―“ 祭り” の受容から自発・協働による固有資源化へ』吉田隆之(著) , 水曜社(ISBN. 978-4880654720)
2018『Discover Japan 2018年 9月号』, エイ出版社 (ASIN. B07FDTDRP3)